Our Vision

Our Vision

Bader Malan (BM) Service to Clients
BM assisting your vision with our commitment to providing quality affordable Insurance products. The industry sectors BM look after are incredibly varied. The benefits of providing insurance services across a variety of industries enables Bader Malan to have and what we pride ourselves on is an independent consideration to a risk.

Bader Malan continually seek solutions in Insurance for our clients change in services as well as new clients with different challenges finding accommodation in the insurance market for the unusual and complex.  Business variety brings benefits in sometimes understanding more fully the clients business, for example, cross referencing what is known in other industries to support our clients complex needs where there business has a diverse application.


Bader Malan Clients say...

'I have used Bader-Malan as my insurance broker for some fifteen years and could not recommend them more highly. The service is very efficient, the advice given sound, you get what you need and no additional unnecessary insurances. Mike, Louise and the team are a pleasure to work with and I look forward to our annual reviews.’

Michael B – Design Engineer – High Value Engineering projects World Wide

The Kick off point in providing a service...
When possible a face to face meeting builds rapport and encourages good communications. At Bader Malan we want to understand our client’s business so we support our Commercial Clients with visits.  Visiting their location(s) provides the basics of understanding the business operation.  Getting to know the people behind the business provides the best opportunity to appreciate the present requirements and longer term ambitions, and ultimately how present and future insurances pave together with an approach that should consider the best way forward for our clients.

Additional visits are also attended to on a specific interest basis e.g. loss adjuster, insurer survey situations relevant to change in risk profile.

Typical areas of Insurance

Annual Group Travel, block of Flats, Buildings, Contractors all Risks,

Commercial Combined Liability, Commercial Liabilities free standing sections

Directors and Officers, Engineering Inspection

Fleet Motor, Group Personal Accident, JCT:6:5:1, Marine Cargo

Office, Property Owners, Professional Indemnity,

Stock-through-put, Technology & Cyber

Please note Bader Malan are unable to provide service on split Insurances  due to the minimum spend of £10,000 premium.