Bader Malan Ltd
The firm aims to encourage the highest professional and ethical standards and requires all members
of staff to meet these standards and to maintain the good reputation of the company.
Staff members are expected to behave with responsibility and integrity, taking into account their
wider responsibilities to society as a whole, and act in a courteous, honest and fair manner
towards anyone with whom they deal.
All of the firm’s employees are expected to comply with the Laws of any country in which they
operate, and meet the requirements of regulatory authorities, and appropriate codes of conduct, in
particular the FCA Code of Conduct rules (COCON), which apply to the firm’s Senior Managers and
Certified staff from Dec 2019 and are extended to all staff from 2020.
COCON 2.1 Individual conduct rules
1) Rule 1: You must act with integrity.
2) Rule 2: You must act with due skill, care and diligence.
3) Rule 3: You must be open and cooperative with the FCA, the PRA and other regulators.
4) Rule 4: You must pay due regard to the interests of customers
and treat them fairly.
5) Rule 5: You must observe proper standards of market conduct.
6) Rule 6: You must act to deliver good outcomes for retail customers (effective 31/7/2023)
I confirm that I have read the ethical behaviour standards above and agree to abide by the
statements and principles contained therein. Where I feel that issues arise which might affect my
ability to comply with these standards, I agree to urgently discuss these with my office T&C
supervisor or Group Compliance Consultant.
Signed Louise Nelligan Date 29ᵗʰ August 2024
Bader Malan Ltd : Neville House, 17 Richmond Close, Bookham, Nr. Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 9NX
T 01372 452554 email
Authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority 309098 for General Insurance Business.
Company registration number 4329913